Things you cannot find on StackOverFlow anymore :(
Sep 2023
Luganodes is a AAA rated institutional-grade staking service provider and one of the top leaders in staking volume. Globally, Luganodes’s client base stakes digital assets across 37+ PoS live networks with 99.99% uptime.
I am a final-year B. Tech undergrad majoring in Information Technology.
8.54 / 10.0
Feb 16, 2024
Homomorphic encryption (HME) is a sophisticated encryption technique that allows computations on encrypted data to be done without the requirement for decryption. This trait makes HME, appropriate for safe computation in scenarios involving sensitive data and also in cloud computing. The data is encrypted using a public key and the calculation is conducted on the encrypted data. The computed result is then decrypted with a private key to acquire the final output. It protects data while allowing complicated computations to be done on the encrypted data, resulting in a secure and efficient approach to analyse sensitive information. The ability of HME to do computations on encrypted data without decryption makes it a valuable tool for achieving privacy. This chapter is intended to give a clear idea about the various fully HME schemes present in the literature, as well as analysing and comparing the results of each of these schemes. The authors also provide applications and open-source tools of HME schemes, along with how HME can be used to establish and preserve privacy in various forms.
Jun 2023
Aug 2023
All-in-1 AI based photo sharing platform, enabling users to get their photos from public events and locations in just 1 tap and intelligently share pictures with friends and family in High Quality without messing up their gallery.
Jun 2023
Jun 2023
Nov 2022
Jun 2023
Disecto designs tools that enable Digital Security without compromising privacy and confidentiality. Our breakthrough technological innovations facilitate data sharing and unlock insights into sensitive data.
Jan 2021
Jun 2023
The Apple Developer Group is a community of developers from a variety of fields, including iOS Dev, Web Dev, Machine Learning, and more. We have a common goal of learning and sharing knowledge with each other.
Here is what I did at ADG:
May 11, 2023
In today’s digital age, user authentication plays a crucial role in securing sensitive information and preventing unauthorized access to it. Traditional password-based authentication systems have been widely used, but they are increasingly vulnerable to brute-force attacks and other cyber threats. This has led to the development of new and innovative authentication methods that combine the best of both worlds: security and user friendliness.
May 2023
May 2023
Apr 2023
A new authentication system that makes use of Password as well as Pattern drawn on an image.
The proposed authentication system combines traditional password-based authentication with an image pattern-based authentication to enhance security. Users must set a password and create a unique image pattern as their login credentials, divided into 16 grids. The image is not stored on the backend server and is deleted immediately after the authentication process is complete.
Jan 2021
Dec 2022
Working with the Computer Society of India has always been a great experience. I understood how different teams like developers, designers, and writers work together to make a project or event successful. I have also learned how to manage a team and the definition of leadership.
Our motto stands strong in whatever we do - "When we build, it matters".
Oct 2022
A portfolio website to showcase my projects, skills, and research works.
Oct 2022
A great disturbance in the force can be felt again. Is it the rise of a skywalker or the rise of a phantom menace? Come join CSI-VIT in a battle of LaserTag lightsabers to help restore balance to the force.
Nov 2021
Aug 2022
Design and Code is a community of developers and designers who are passionate about learning and sharing knowledge with each other.
Mar 25, 2022
This paper proposes novel metrics for the numeric evaluation of outlier detection and correction. The downsides of the existing comparison approaches are detailed, and substitute metrics, complemented normalized sum of absolute deviations (CNSAD) and overall preprocessing performance (OPP) are proposed. Also, the suitability of two derived metrics in revealing methods’ capability in handling extreme outliers is detailed. The merits of CNSAD and OPP are critically analyzed by applying to a set of polluted data with the synthetically embedded trend and volatility effects.
Feb 2022
Mar 2022
The recruitment portal for CSI Core Committee Selections, 2022. A candidate can take a 30-minute subjective quiz in four different domains: i.e. Tech, Management, Design and Video. After clearing round 1, the candidate can view different problem statements and submit links to their projects. This would be followed by two rounds of interviews, lasting 45 to 60 minutes each.
Dec 2021
The backend of otôbus, a bus management system, is a web-based application built by a team of three.
Features of the backend system include:
Dec 2021
The frontend of otôbus, a bus management system, is a web-based application built by a team of three.
Features of backend includes:
Dec 2021
This Java project titled Contact Management System aims to manage the contact information for a particular user.
Nov 2, 2021
Outlier detection and correction referred to as data preprocessing, is crucial in time series analysis and modeling. It has been a challenge to preprocess a volatile time series data possessing intricate trend characteristics. Two well-established statistical parametric methods, such as improved sliding window prediction and portrait dataset-based, perform adequate data preprocessing. While the former is equipped with an optimal window width selection approach, the latter, on the other hand, is based on a data visualization approach named portrait. This paper compares both methods’ preprocessing performance when applied to seasonal time series data with varying time resolutions and complex trend patterns for different content of outliers through detailed result analyses. Further, a new metric to measure outlier correction capability is suggested.
Oct 18, 2021
This blog is a comprehensive guide to toggle between dark theme and light theme in ReactJs. Developers use several methods to toggle between dark mode and light mode. However, most of them make use of excess lines of code or have unnecessary complications. Having struggled with the same issue in my initial projects, I decided to write this article.
Aug 2021
Oct 2021
My first internship was with Nishkaera, a fintech startup that attempts to bring back those special virtues of India's golden age by blending best-in-class technology with financial know-how.
Jul 2021
Sep 2021
The official website of ADG-VIT, a student community at VIT that brings together like-minded individuals who are interested in pursuing their dreams. This project was built by a team of 3.
The website consists of the following features:
Aug 2021
Riddler is a one-of-a-kind online cryptic hunt where players dive into the depths of the internet and navigate their way to the top of the leaderboard by cracking exhilarating riddles spread across various themes. The last 9 years have seen hundreds try their best every season, only to get bested themselves.
This website consisted of two sections, namely the registration website and the game website.
Jul 2021
A portfolio website to showcase my projects, skills, and research works.
Jun 2021
While HTML and CSS control the content and styling of a page, JavaScript is used to make it interactive. In the JavaScript Algorithm and Data Structures Certification, I learnt the fundamentals of JavaScript including variables, arrays, objects, loops, and functions.
Once I had the fundamentals down, I applied that knowledge by creating algorithms to manipulate strings, factorialize numbers, and even calculate the orbit of the International Space Station.
Along the way, I also learnt two important programming styles or paradigms: Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and Functional Programming (FP).
May 2021
In this Responsive Web Design Certification, I learnt the languages that developers use to build webpages: HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) for content, and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) for design.
First, I built a cat photo app to learn the basics of HTML and CSS. Later, I learnt modern techniques like CSS variables by building a penguin, and best practices for accessibility by building a web form.
Finally, I learnt how to make webpages that respond to different screen sizes by building a Twitter card with Flexbox, and a complex blog layout with CSS Grid.
Apr 21, 2021
This paper effectively devised a novel approach to characterize the predictable variations in a multi-time instant ambient temperature time series. A multiple linear regression model is used to capture the annual predictable variations accurately. The clues for predictable variations upon detailed analysis of multi-time instant daily time resolution ambient temperature data led to the invention of a set of theoretical relevant deterministic regressors forming a reducing order model. A detailed result analysis has established that the proposed model is a suitable candidate for multi-time instant daily time step data and can be extended for the risk assessment of system analysis that accounts for the temperature effect. Further, probabilistic forecasting using regression-based methods can easily combat the above-limited number of theoretical relevant regressors for decent interval forecasts. The proposed model's effectiveness is analyzed using historical ambient temperature records collected from three distinct places in India.